Welcome to the Women’s Club of Forest Hills

 Congratulations to our new Silver Club Pin (25 year) recipients; Charlotte Collins, Harriet George, Martha Liubicich and Adele Rystrand!

Want to join our Club? Download the Member Application below. Scan and email the completed form to Membership Chair, Kathryn Brand, at [email protected]  Membership Application

Message from Our President:

 My fellow Women’s Club Members,

Did you know February is filled with lots of “National” celebrations? Two important ones being:

National/American Heart Month

National Black History Month

And it’s also:

National Bake for Family Month–RSVP and attend a What’s Cooking Chapter meeting!

National Library Lovers Month–Find out what the Reading Chapter cannot put down!

National Hot Breakfast Month–Make plans for a late, hot breakfast at home or out with friends before our meeting on February 3 at 12:30 pm!

National Snack Food Month–Some light snacks sure to be included before we welcome the musicians from Musica Reginae for our program!

These mid-winter dark and cold days make it feel like spring may never come, but there are numerous events the Club offers to keep you warm and engaged this month and every month. Just look at the calendar and Go for It!

Jen Meier


At our February General Meeting Dr. Barbara Podgurski (piano) and Sarah Pratt Parsamian (violin), from Musica Reginae, captivated us with their masterful performances of Brahms Sonata in G Major for violin and piano, Opus 78, as well as three Viennese Dance pieces: Liebesfreud, Liebeslied, Schon Rosmarin composed by Fritz Kreisler.  It was delightful afternoon, as the room was filled with the rich and sparkling sounds of these exceptionally talented musicians.  If you want to find out more information about upcoming performances by Musica Reginae, vist their webpage at https://www.musicareginae.org


Please browse through our website to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Women’s Club activities:

We have fifteen active chapters that hold regular meetings, as well as monthly general meetings and philanthropic events.

Many of our 300-plus members have been active in the Women’s Club for years. To view a complete list of our 25 and 50 year members, click here: Women’s Club of Forest Hills 25- and 50-Year Pin Recipients.


  • General Membership Meetings: First Monday, October through May (except for holidays)
  • Executive Board Meetings: Third Monday, unless otherwise noted, September through June (for Board and Committee members only)
  • Annual Business Meeting: First Monday in April (no guests)
  • Bi-Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers: First Monday in May
  • Chapter Meetings: Please see details on the Chapter Page of the website, as well as on the Calendar and in the Newsletter