Welcome to the Women’s Club of Forest Hills


Want to join our Club? Download the Member Application below. Scan and email the completed form to Membership Chair, Kathryn Brand, at [email protected]  Membership_Application

Message from Our President:


Dear Fellow Members of the Women’s Club of Forest Hills,

Summer Greetings!

I’ve spent the last few weeks compiling a list of school supplies for my four girls for college – one returning and three headed for brand new adventures.

It’s helping me get organized for my new role in leading this fantastic club. I’m so fortunate to have observed and been alongside Catherine Wigdor these last two years. I can’t thank her enough for all the support she has already offered me. And this support extends beyond Catherine—your Past Presidents and Executive Board members stay involved long after their “official” time is over. All of us as members are very lucky for their dedication which makes this club better year after year.

And we are lucky to have each other!

Our goal as a club over the next two years will be moving towards a more technology-friendly era. We have made great strides utilizing the benefits of Constant Contact, keeping the website up-to-date, and sending dues invoices via email, with additional payment options. (thank you, Merl and Nurit!) Texting reminders lie on the horizon, and we will be looking for ways to make time-consuming processes far more streamlined.  

The Chapter Chairs and their Co-Chairs offer amazing meetings and content—almost too many to choose from.  You could easily spend an entire day at the Community House bouncing around to all the great programming.

May I ask a favor? Check out the calendar on our website or newsletter and attend something you ordinarily wouldn’t—In fact, email me at [email protected] and let’s go together!  I plan to have my calendar filled with the thoughtfully planned events from our bustling Chapters.

And please clear your calendars now for our events that bring out the best of our leaders and volunteers – the Philanthropic Luncheon, the Floral Design Luncheon, Guest Night and the Year-End Luncheon. You’ll find those dates, when available, on our website, wcforesthills.org

I’m excited to get to know you all better at the meetings and the events. And if you see me crying, it’s because I’m thrilled to be a part of this club with you—and missing my crew off at college just a bit.

Warm regards,

Jen Meier


Please browse through our website to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Women’s Club activities:

We have fifteen active chapters that hold regular meetings, as well as monthly general meetings and philanthropic events.

Many of our 300-plus members have been active in the Women’s Club for years. To view a complete list of our 25 and 50 year members, click here: Women’s Club of Forest Hills 25- and 50-Year Pin Recipients.


  • General Membership Meetings: First Monday, October through May (except for holidays)
  • Executive Board Meetings: Third Monday, unless otherwise noted, September through June (for Board and Committee members only)
  • Annual Business Meeting: First Monday in April (no guests)
  • Bi-Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers: First Monday in May
  • Chapter Meetings: Please see details on the Chapter Page of the website, as well as on the Calendar and in the Newsletter