Stories from 2015 – 2016
Title: Choices
Patricia Gainor
August 2016
Title: Feeding The Homeless
Joan M. Barnes
July 2016
Title: Mrs. Grahams’s Gift
Mary M. Grasso
June 2016
Title: My Room with a View
Louise Naples
May 2016
Title: Music is more than a Sound
Ella McMahon
April 2016
Title: My Dog Daisy
Shelly Papernik
March 2016
Title: A Carefree Childhood
Patricia Gainor
February 2016
Title: A Child’s Memory of Winters in Canada
Joan Barnes
January 2016
Title: Two Christmas Trees
Louise Naples
December 2015
Title: He Shoots, He Scores
Joan Barnes
November 2015
Title: Tag Sale
Mary Grasso
October 2015
Title: The Snowdrops
Shelly Papernik
September 2015